Saturday, September 26, 2015


I've noticed that as I've walked, wandered, and wondered, I seem to have more and more questions. This has prompted me to seek answers which, in turn, has put me in touch with other naturalists. Sometimes my questions are met with simple answers, and sometimes the answers involve more detail than expected.

My friend Stephanie recently connected me with the Vancouver Area Gardener's Facebook page, which has been very helpful as I work to identify the flora and fauna around the wetlands. Yesterday I shared a picture of this tree, hoping to find out its name:

This afternoon, in addition to learning that this is a cascara tree, native to the Pacific Northwest, I learned that it has medicinal qualities. The bark can be chewed and acts as (ahem) a laxative. One woman shared, "My Gramma used this every spring to cleanse her children." Another added that her family used to peel the bark and sell it. I wonder if they sold it to the gramma whose children needed cleansing? I also wonder if I should tell Avery that the laxative tree is one and the same as her favorite Climbing Tree.

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